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Golf Fitness

The summer of 2009, Complete Physique embarked on a new fitness journey, Golf Fitness. The golf fitness program was taught by the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) and was held in Memphis, Tennessee. The TPI program was an amazing program in analyzing the body mechanics as it relates to the golf swing and applying corrective exercises to adjust dysfunctions. The Titleist Performance Institute Golf Fitness program is a well designed program that will help in injury prevention, rehabilitating existing injuries and overall improvement in your golf performance.

The Golf Fitness Assessment

The golf fitness assessment starts with a 12 point fitness assessment. The assessmnet will identify shortcomings in the golfer's mechanics as it realtes to the golf swing. Some of the shortcomings are but are not limited to: weak glutes, tight hip flexors and limited flexibility in torso. From the beginner to the championship golfer the assessment will be an eye opening assessment and one to prove beneficial.

Golf Fitness Program

The golf fitness program is designed based on the findings in the golf fitness assessment. Corrective exercises are designed to improve the weaknesses noted in the fitness assessment. Some of the benefits from consistently performing the corrective exercises are: increased club speed, increased distance of the tee, a stable base when swinging the club and injury prevention.

Golf Fitness Certifications

Titleist Performance Institute
Kelly Blackburn Golf Fitness
NASM - Golf Fitness Program

See how Dave Humpton improved his existing back problems.

Case study: Dave Humpton